Historical Infantry Museum

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Historical Infantry Museum

The historical infantry museum is located in Piazza Santa Croce di Gerusalemme 9 between the historical museum of the grenadiers of Sardinia and the national museum of musical instruments, in the Esquilino district of Rome.

The museum is divided into three sectors: weapons, flags and uniforms and consists of a library and historical archive, shrine, 35 rooms with 5 galleries and entrance halls. The various departments range across various sectors, including: in various military specializations (weapon specialties and colonial specialties), First and Second World War wars and armoury. Furthermore, the museum consists of various donations and purchases, paintings, drawings and sculptures including the statue of the "Partente" by B. Poidimani located on the ground floor and the "Redeemer on the cross" by Edmondo Furlan located in the shrine

After being closed for renovation, the museum reopens on 9 September 2016 with an exhibition on the First World War.

Since this year it has been used as an exhibition space for exhibitions. For now the second floor hosts the "Andy Warhol Universe Warhol" exhibition

From next year the first floor will also be available for display


Timetable and tickets


Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9
00182 Rome


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